physically diminish right in front of his eyes.“You assured me that thefunds and materials went directly into stepping up security, and thatyourpet orc was securely guarded.” Terenas continued, “And yet somehow,he is out there instead of safelyinside Durnholde. How is thatpossible?”Blackmoore frowned and rallied somewhat. “It is certainlyunfortunate that Thrall escaped. I’m sureyou understand how I mustfeel.”It was a hit on Blackmoore’s part; Terenas still smarted from thefact that Doomhammer hadescaped from under his very nose. But it wasn’ta particularly wise hit. Terenas frowned and continued.“I hope thisisn’t part of some disturbing trend. The money is earned from the laborof the people,Lieutenant General. cheap wow gold buy wow power levelingwow power
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