patiently waited for her. “Jaina usually runs a little late.”No soonerhad the words left his lips than he heard a distant bellow and thebarely decipherablewords, “Me SMASH!”Like a panther dozing in the sunonly to waken instantly alert, Arthas sprang to attention, hammerinhand. He started down the road, to see a slender, feminine shape racingtoward him as she crestedthe hill into his vision. Behind her loomedwhat he knew to be an elemental—a swirling blob of aqua-colored water,with a crude head and limbs.And behind that…were two ogres.“By theLight!” cried Falric, starting to race forward. Arthas would havebeaten him to the girlexcept for the fact that right at that moment, hecaught sight of Jaina Proudmoore’s face.She was grinning.“Stay yourblade, Captain,” Arthas said, feeling his own lips curve into a grin.“She can take care ofherself.”And so indeed the lady could—and cheapwow gold buy wow power leveling wow power
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