16 de Noviembre, 2009
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vowed, bringing her onto the bed with him. I will makeeverything youcould ever worry about go away forever.Later, when the wicker man hadnally burned out and the only light on Jaina’s sleeping form wasthecool blue- white of moonlight, Arthas still lay awake, running hisngers along the curves of herbody and alternately wondering where thiswould all lead and feeling content to simply be in the moment.He hadnot tossed in a branch to the wicker man re, because he had nothing hewished to be ridof.... Continuar leyendo |
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yjn91116 a las 03:50 · 14 Comentarios
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16 de Noviembre, 2009
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The light from the blazing re danced over her, illuminating her livelyfeatures, catching the glint ofa gold circlet adorning her head. Arthascaught his breath as he regarded her. She’d always beenattractive tohim, and he’d liked her from the moment they’d met. She’d been afriend, a condant, anexciting irtation. But now he couldn’t help butsee her, quite literally, in a whole new light.It took a moment for himto nd his voice. “No,” he said softly. “No, it wouldn’t be a problem atall.”They joined... Continuar leyendo |
publicado por
yjn91116 a las 03:50 · 1 Comentario
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16 de Noviembre, 2009
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patiently waited for her. “Jaina usually runs a little late.”No soonerhad the words left his lips than he heard a distant bellow and thebarely decipherablewords, “Me SMASH!”Like a panther dozing in the sunonly to waken instantly alert, Arthas sprang to attention, hammerinhand. He started down the road, to see a slender, feminine shape racingtoward him as she crestedthe hill into his vision. Behind her loomedwhat he knew to be an elemental—a swirling blob of aqua-colored water,with a crude head... Continuar leyendo |
publicado por
yjn91116 a las 03:36 · Sin comentarios
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16 de Noviembre, 2009
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chairs into which one could curl and lose oneself inknowledge. Hegestured for her to sit and with the crook of a nger had a pitcher pournectar for them.“Well, that was on the agenda, yes, but myrepresentatives thought that a more dire threat was at ourdoorstep.”“More dire than the Horde re- forming?” Jaina extended herhand, and the crystal goblet, lled withgolden liquid, oated into herpalm.“Orcs, potentially, could be reasoned with. Disease cannot. Thereare reports of a plague spreadingin the... Continuar leyendo |
publicado por
yjn91116 a las 03:36 · 1 Comentario
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16 de Noviembre, 2009
General |
girl she had been to go along with Arthas tospy on the orc encampmentsnow prompted her to cloak herself in invisibility and learn more.Shemoved closer as quietly as possible. She could see them both now;the rst speaker, whom Antonidashad sarcastically referred to as a“prophet,” clad in a cloak and hood decorated with black feathers,andher master on horseback. “I thought Terenas was quite plain in hisopinion of your predictions.”“You must be wiser than the king! The endis near!”“I told you... Continuar leyendo |
publicado por
yjn91116 a las 03:36 · 1 Comentario
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